The next OnePlus flagship is back in the rumor mill, with another outlet claiming to be privy to its specs ahead of launch. The OnePlus 5 (which would ordinarily be known as OnePlus 4 which is technically accurate but probably too much of a bad omen for the superstitious folks in China, but that’s neither here nor there) is said to be hooked up with the following:
- Snapdragon 835 chipset
- 5.5-inch Quad HD display
- 23MP camera
- 6GB or 8GB of RAM
- 256GB of storage
- 3,000mAh battery
Further details suggest we’re getting smaller bezels, though OnePlus has still reportedly managed to retain its capacitive hardware buttons. We’re also apparently going to get a dual edge display.
But seeing as we’re still a bit early to the party we won’t take these rumors without a grain of salt. If true, though, it sounds like this is shaping up to be a huge step forward for OnePlus and we can’t wait to hear about it later this year.